
The tabloids have been attacking Tori Spelling for months now, claiming that she’s too thin and that she’s “scary skinny”. After giving birth to daughter Stella, her weight really hasn’t fluctuated that much – she’s been really, really thin, but consistently thin. Only the coverage of her thinness ebbs and flows, most of it proceeding a new season of Tori & Dean, shocking. Last October, Tori got into a war with Star Mag, after the tabloid claimed she was down to 95 pounds. Tori revealed her weight at the time – 107 pounds. After that, she maybe put on a few more pounds, which she then dramatically lost again in time for this new season of Tori & Dean, leading to a new round of reports – once again, from Star – that Tori was scary skinny.

This week Life & Style picks up the “Tori is scary skinny” mantle, claiming that she’s now down to 93 pounds, and that she “shows signs of an eating disorder.” Here’s more, courtesy of Jezebel:

Life & Style – Tori spelling is 93 lbs. She doesn’t eat, and doesn’t even drink water. The mag uses an arrow to point to the “fur” on her upper arms, notes that her eyes are sunken, and claims “She’s showing signs of an eating disorder.”

The story also points out: “Tori often overcompensates for extreme thinness by talking up her indulgences. Tori’s Twitter page is filled with accounts of hearty meals and snacks.”

Tori allegedly has a 24-inch waist, which the mag illustrates by printing the “actual size” of her jeans’ waistband. We took a tape measure to these jeans and they’re printed 10 inches wide so we don’t know what the hell is going on.

[From Life & Style via Jezebel]

Eh. I’ve given Tori so many passes on her skinniness, but today I’m feeling a little less generous. Yes, it could be that she’s just a “naturally thin” girl who is running after two kids and maybe she forgets to eat. But perhaps she really isn’t all that healthy, and making excuses isn’t helping. In any case, I was looking through recent photos of her, and while she does look very thin, she doesn’t really look “eating disorder thin” to me, but maybe my radar is off. Tori’s arms look healthier to me than Sarah Jessica Parker’s. Maybe Dean just needs to encourage her to eat. Like, they could do family dinners or something.

Speaking of Dean, here’s another little tidbit from this week’s tabloids – Star Mag reports that “Candy Spelling offered Tori Spelling $10 million to divorce Dean McDemott, whom Candy feels is a ‘leech.’” Only $10 million? Come on, Candy!

Here’s Tori from behind:



Tori Spelling on April 6 & 10, 2010. Credit:
